Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A culinary journey

Welcome to my blog! It documents my culinary journey, and my mission is to get the most out of the food I prepare. I love to cook and I love all the different ways to bring flavor to the foods I prepare: spices, herbs, sauces, even the way in which foods are prepared: braised, sauteed, roasted. Boring food is not worth eating, so if you enjoy food as much as I do, then I welcome you to join me in finding ways to enhance the eating experience by maximizing flavor.

I enjoy eating well, so this blog is designed to track my progress in preparing the best meals I can, in terms of both health and enjoyment. My focus is on whole foods, fruits and vegetables, and quality protein. Processed foods and artificial ingredients don't have a place in my kitchen.

My hope is to not only keep a log of what I cook and eat, but to inspire you. I welcome you to my blog and hope that you will share your thoughts and culinary creations with me.

Bon Appetit!

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